Member-only story
Justifying Murder
Our prideful assumptions beget our fall
I’ve been concerned, maybe even disturbed, at the reaction to the murder of the UHC CEO.
I keep reading and/or hearing logical explanations for it. Now there is a difference between explaining the logic and justifying it. I can understand the equation put together: healthcare denials lead to death and illness therefore anyone in charge of a company that denies care is responsible and should be held to account.
But what I don’t understand is the lack of what Thomas Sowell called “second order thinking.” I can come up with all kind of logic for who is responsible at least in part or in whole for healthcare outcomes. And if anyone is going to utilize logic in that way, then why wouldn’t anyone use that same logic for other cases of harm? Or other people responsible for that harm?
Second Order Thinking
Have these people sympathizing or praising the murderer never played chess, checkers, or even tick-tack-toe? Do they not stop to think about the consequences of their moves? My son was already doing that at the age of four but suddenly a large portion of otherwise intelligent adults seem to have lost that ability.
If I extend that logic for killing the UHC CEO, then why not hold the people responsible for the…