Racial Segregation in School Makes a Comeback

An elementary school is not a marketplace of ideas.

Thomas St Thomas
5 min readAug 18, 2021

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of the “CRT” in school debates. I put “CRT” in quotes as I understand that Critical Race Theory is a legal study not specifically being taught in schools. But the underlying presuppositions for its philosophy are what is being used to create some teaching materials in schools.

The latest incidence of “not CRT being taught in schools” involves an Atlanta mother who just filed a lawsuit involving her daughter being segregated into a black only class. A black mother is suing her school district for segregating her black daughter as directed by the black principal. How much of this is going to happen before “CRT” proponents step back and at least rethink whatever it is that is “not being taught in schools.” What is going on in a culture where a principal can do this and not only think it’s a good idea, but that it wouldn’t come up against any objections? Where did she get these ideas?

Not only is the subject matter getting old, but the discussions have become incredibly circular. None of the articles written or the television debates are working towards any solution. They usually go something like this:

  1. “CRT” opponent says: “CRT is divisive and at the very least



Thomas St Thomas
Thomas St Thomas

Written by Thomas St Thomas

I’ve got questions. Writing helps me find the answers. Husband, dad, Afghan vet, healthcare process consultant, former fitness guru.